Instrument Shop
2412 River Rd, Suite F
Missoula, MT 59804
Tax ID: 86-2400545
(406) 518-1960
The easiest way to support Instrument Shop is to purchase items on our Amazon Wishlist. Select the tools and supplies you’d like to donate and Amazon takes care of the rest.
We are actively seeking a donation of a gently-used (or old) pickup truck/van, as well as donations of wood!
Please Contact Ben for more information
Scholarship Provider
The cost for all materials, plus 12 weeks of instrument building instruction for a Missoula area teen is $600. Support one youth to build a beautiful instrument, gaining many skills along the way. To donate one scholarship costs $600. To donate one scholarship per season for a year is $2,400. This is a very important part of our mission; to not have money be in the way for a kid participating to the fullest.
Friends, we are interested in building a lot of rainsticks – a perfect beginners’ instrument where a 3-4′ piece of bamboo is used. We would like to purchase a large quantity of bamboo. Rainsticks make a perfect companion project, for when other instrument parts are gluing, students can get into the flow state with ease, creating this sound texture instrument. We can purchase bamboo to make 100 rainsticks with a donation of $1,500.
Please Contact Ben for more information!
Instrument Shop is a nonprofit startup, and a donation of $5,000 is a much needed boost to help get us on the map. With a gift of this incredible amount, we will send you not one… not two… but three! handcrafted musical instruments we will build as an organization. Tell us what you’d like; or leave it up to us to form you a “Three Instrument Mystery Pack™” But you might think, “well what am I gonna do with all these instruments?” They make such amazing presents and we have to get them out into the world. The kids’ work needs to be circulating. Needs to be made, and needs to be played. Needs to be displayed and talked about. Thank you for your mighty contribution, now it is up to us to deliver back to you, to the third power!
Please Contact Ben for more information!
A gift of $20,000 launches our keyboard building program, purchasing two harpsichord kits and one clavichord kit from Zuckermann Harpsichords. These fullsize, high-quality kits will help us learn how to build acoustic keyboards: how to make the mechanisms to excite the strings, how to create keys, soundboards, and cases… The keyboard projects we are interested in, which also include pipe organ (wooden pipes), and other keyboards too, are thought to make excellent group projects for youth – where kids wouldn’t have to commit to completing an instrument themselves, and rather they’re part of a group effort. I love the acoustic keyboard projects for the teen group homes we’ll be working with, for their open workflow and epic potential.